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Some cool animal health images:

animal health
Image by vancouverbcfoodbank
I gave away the disgusting potato chip imitation. The yogourt pictured here does not contain gelatin, which I will not eat. Everyone else went home with heavy bags of dead turkeys and other animal-based proteins, while this is what I received and went home with. Cheryl Carline of the Vancouver Food Bank Society, or whatever they're called, should be ashamed of herself. She has never provided any vegetarian alternatives, despite phone calls and letters. Yo Cheryl: When the f*ck are you going to wake up and consider others as equals? And why have you never responded positively to a vegetarian request, after many years of opportunity? Vegetarians get f*ck all from official charity.

TWU Denton campus
animal health
Image by CameliaTWU
Corner of Oakland and Administration on TWU's Denton Campus. The Administration Conference Tower (ACT), aka The Clock Tower, is on the right. Notice the bridge linking ACT with Hubbard Hall (Department of Public Safety, Student Health; not in the picture).
