
Nice Animal Species photos

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A few nice animal species images I found:

White Wagtail
animal species
Image by Sergiu Bacioiu
Wilhelma zoological and botanical gardens, Stuttgart, Germany

The White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) is a small passerine bird in the wagtail family Motacillidae, which also includes the pipits and longclaws. This species breeds in much of Europe and Asia and parts of north Africa. It is resident in the mildest parts of its range, but otherwise migrates to Africa. It has a toehold in Alaska as a scarce breeder. In some areas, notably Britain and Ireland, the sub-species Pied Wagtail (M. a. yarrellii) predominates.

This is an insectivorous bird of open country, often near habitation and water. It prefers bare areas for feeding, where it can see and pursue its prey. In urban areas it has adapted to foraging on paved areas such as car parks.

It nests in crevices in stone walls and similar natural and man-made structures.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

animal species
Image by Gilles Gonthier
Longueur -- Body length: 10-12 mm

Order Hymenoptera -- Family Crabronidae
Genus Philanthus -- Species lepidus ? or bilunatus ?

Bas-Saint-Laurent -- Province de Québec -- Canada

Canon PowerShot A620
Prise en juillet 2007 -- Taken in July 2007

Monos San Amaro
animal species
Image by Darksein
Estos monos se encuentran en el parque de San Amaro, en Ceuta, que aunque no es un Zoo tiene algunos animales (sobretodo aves).

Esta especie de mono es la misma que campa a sus anchas en Gibraltar, aunque aquí están enjaulados.

These monkeys are from San Amaro Park, in Ceuta. It's the same species you can see free in Gibraltar.

I can't decide what photo is better because I think two expressions are funny.
