
Snapper After Rescue

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Some cool free animals images:

Snapper After Rescue
free animals
Image by shrinksteve
This is the same Snapping Turtle after I yanked the fishing line from its mouth. I didn't get a hook when I pulled but the turtle was free of its anchor and able to swim without having to tow a long line of weeds with it. I have been assured by a good friend and herpetologist, that the turtle will now be fine as they are hardy and can sustain significant injury without dying. If you look closely you might see the small trail of blood coming from its mouth, leading to the left side of the photo off the frame. I did a quick yank so as not to induce too much tearing. I figured its sharp and powerful beak would cut the line, and it did!

free animals
Image by Saparevo
I caught this hawk yesterday. It was attached to a cage with birds at our manege. She brook free during a demonstration and an hour later we found out who she belonged to and she was returned to her owner. They use these hawks to educate young people about birds of prey. It was born in captivity.

Easy Rider
free animals
Image by iseethelight
Feel free to use this photo for non-commercial use but please add the photo credit "Photo: Matt Ward www.iseethelight.com".

