
Cool Animal Jobs images

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A few nice animal jobs images I found:

React, Respect, Intersect
animal jobs
Image by NYCDOT
React, Respect, Intersect was created by two professional artists and a team of youth artists as part of the Groundswell Community Mural Project’s flagship Summer Leadership Institute (SLI). SLI teams spend seven weeks during working with artists and community-based organizations, learning job skills and creating public art throughout New York City. This mural depicts a utopian environment where vehicular traffic, pedestrians of all ages and abilities, bicyclists, skateboarders, and animals respectfully share the street. It focuses not only on traffic and pedestrian safety education, but also site-specific themes and cultural diversity.

The safety education focus of this mural was informed by workshops lead by NYCDOT Safety Education. The artists and youth artists researched safety issues near the mural site which influenced their final design. Speed of vehicular traffic, high levels of carbon dioxide in the air, and the need for all modes of transportation to respectfully share the streets are just a few of the themes beautifully integrated in to this mural.

NYCDOT Urban Art Program, Special Project
React, Respect, Intersect by Yana Dimitrova and Adam Kidder
Presented with NYCDOT Safety Education and Groundswell Community Mural Project
East 5th Street in Kensington, Brooklyn

React, Respect, Intersect
animal jobs
Image by NYCDOT
React, Respect, Intersect was created by two professional artists and a team of youth artists as part of the Groundswell Community Mural Project’s flagship Summer Leadership Institute (SLI). SLI teams spend seven weeks during working with artists and community-based organizations, learning job skills and creating public art throughout New York City. This mural depicts a utopian environment where vehicular traffic, pedestrians of all ages and abilities, bicyclists, skateboarders, and animals respectfully share the street. It focuses not only on traffic and pedestrian safety education, but also site-specific themes and cultural diversity.

The safety education focus of this mural was informed by workshops lead by NYCDOT Safety Education. The artists and youth artists researched safety issues near the mural site which influenced their final design. Speed of vehicular traffic, high levels of carbon dioxide in the air, and the need for all modes of transportation to respectfully share the streets are just a few of the themes beautifully integrated in to this mural.

NYCDOT Urban Art Program, Special Project
React, Respect, Intersect by Yana Dimitrova and Adam Kidder
Presented with NYCDOT Safety Education and Groundswell Community Mural Project
East 5th Street in Kensington, Brooklyn
