
2008: Lunar Year of the Rat

Large Rectangle

Some cool pictures of animals images:

2008: Lunar Year of the Rat
pictures of animals
Image by congvo
February 7, 2008 marks the start of the Year of the Rat on the Lunar Calendar. It's a morbid picture, but to see his eyes makes this an intriguing picture to me. I wondered if he enjoyed his last meal. I was going to my pictures folder and found this picture which I took a couple of months ago. The story behind this little guy is that he terrorized the girls (to my enjoyment) at my office for a few weeks so they put out some traps. It wasn't necessary because we were moving out of the office anyways a few weeks later.

Monthly Scavenger Hunt ~ February 2008
1. year MSH0208-1 MSH0208

Octopus Underside
pictures of animals
Image by chriswsn
The Octopus at the aquarium was quite active the day I went, unfortunately that put me at the back of a crowd. This is the best picture I got.
