Check out these animal pound images:
Galapagos Tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus)
Image by cliff1066™
There are 14 described subspecies of the Galapagos tortoise of which 11 still exist, some with only small populations. There are "dome-shelled" and "saddle-backed" Galapagos tortoises. Where ground vegetation is the main source of food the animals are dome-shelled. Those that feed on higher growing cactus have a curved shell front to allow their longer neck to reach the pads. Galapagos tortoises vary in size from 29 inches (shell length) and 60 pounds to 4 feet and 700 pounds. There is little variation in color, overall dull-brown being standard. The male has concave underside, which facilitates mating.
Eye of a Yak...
Image by Douglas Brown
I'm sure many of you woke up this morning thinking that you'd love to see an eye of a Yak. Well, here is the eye of a 2,000-pound Yak!
BTW, this is the same male Yak that charged his metal fence during my previous visit to the Zoo when I came up to take a photograph. It scared the hell out of me! A Zoo caretaker saw the 'encounter' and came over so I asked him why in the world did he charge me with such amazing ferocity?
His theory was that I was 'eye-balling' his women! This gigantic Yak has a group of 3 female Yaks and I guess he thought I was paying way too much attention to them trying to photograph them. This may be total BS but that's what the Zoo guy said.
I usually have very cordial relations with Zoo animals but this guy really wanted to stomp me into the ground, you could see it in his eye! When he hit the very strong welded-metal pipe fence, the ground shook and dirt went flying. Plus, the sound of the impact was, to say the least, startling!
World's Champion Milk Cow
Image by Jim Carson
Here lived and gave her service to mankind
Segis Pieterje Prospect
World's Champion Milk Cow
Born 1913 Died 1923
Twice she registered production records that set her fame above all dairy cattle of any age. In each of two years she exceeded 16,500 quarts of milk 1400 pounds of butter, yielding for the two a total of 33,922 quarts of milk - 2860.18 pounds of butter.
Sired by a king and of purest holstein strain - she herself bore sons and daughters of champion achievement - finest type of the noble patient animal that is most justly named.
Her queenly worth deserved the gratitude in which this tribute is erected by her owner
Carnation Milk Farms