
Cool About Pet Animals images

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Some cool about pet animals images:

Chewing problem + question
about pet animals
Image by Ninithedreamer
I have a problem that first Squiggles and now Bella have a thing for chewing the bottom of my closet door. But with Bella it's also transfered to my front door. I've tried everything I could think of. If I stuff the door, they pull out what was stuffed. And with two doors I can't block both. I've tried 2 different kind of CHEW STOPS without much luck. If anything it seems to attract the chewing even more. For now I've been blocking it off with masking tape but it's a big pain. It makes me anxious about taking Bella out so I leave her in the cage a lot but she goes nuts in there. Needs the space to run around. What do I do? Any suggestions on how to get her to stop? I've tried the "Look her in the eye, tap her nose, and say 'NO'" Nothing works!!!

Chewing problem + Question
about pet animals
Image by Ninithedreamer
I have a problem that first Squiggles and now Bella have a thing for chewing the bottom of my closet door. But with Bella it's also transfered to my front door. I've tried everything I could think of. If I stuff the door, they pull out what was stuffed. And with two doors I can't block both. I've tried 2 different kind of CHEW STOPS without much luck. If anything it seems to attract the chewing even more. For now I've been blocking it off with masking tape but it's a big pain. It makes me anxious about taking Bella out so I leave her in the cage a lot but she goes nuts in there. Needs the space to run around. What do I do? Any suggestions on how to get her to stop? I've tried the "Look her in the eye, tap her nose, and say 'NO'" Nothing works!!!

about pet animals
Image by istolethetv
The rambling, weird, occasionally racist, often animal-centric graffiti of an anonymous woman in Kowloon, Hong Kong. She writes about dogs, cats and other pets, often about their mistreatment. She also often includes the words "Anglican" "Scotts" or "Scotland" and the number 1497 in what she writes.
