
Cool Animal Pound images

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A few nice animal pound images I found:

Bloodthirsty killers.
animal pound
Image by This Year's Love
Five months ago. I honestly thought he wasn't going to get that much bigger! And I was seriously WRONG.

I applied to adopt a Bedlington Terrier from the shelter where I take photos to put up on petfinder.com.
On the application, as with any shelter application I'm sure, they ask what pets you currently own. I've brought both of my dogs into the shelter, Israel for a microchip, both for Easter pictures, I talk about Judah all the time. I don't lie and say Israel's a "mix" since it's obvious that he's NOT. Judah is a total mutt but she's also the sweetest thing to walk the earth (unless you're trying to clip her nails.)
Judah loves kids, strangers, and all dogs and cats, too.
Israel isn't even that bad with strange dogs. We can go into PetsMart with little drama. At least nothing that he starts. He's not chomping at the bit to kill other dogs or even acknowledge them. He's awesome with kids--he lays down on his belly and doesn't jump all over them. The worst he does is try to kiss them.
Anyway....Judah I listed as a Rott/Lab mix, because that's what the vet assumed she was when she was 6 weeks old. She sort of looks like a Rott but there's so much else in her. And she's not aggressive--and I don't believe Rottweilers are, either! They CAN be...but so can any dog. You know what I mean.
So I get a call today from the shelter. I've never talked to the woman before and this is now the second dog I applied for. The first was Lunch Box in December and I never heard a word about it, she got adopted, and I was miffed.
She says there's no way I could adopt the smaller dog because of the dogs I have, "bully" breeds, and even though I have a cat (I listed her, too) I wouldn't be allowed to even adopt a cat from them either because of my dogs.
I was insulted but I was polite. I said, "All right..." and she paused and I thought she had something else to add but she didn't and muttered, "Okaybye." and hung up before I could say goodbye. !?!!?

The idea that Judah would ever harm another animal is laughable and it's supremely insulting for someone else to assume so because I wrote down "Rott/Lab mix" on the form, having never met her. Why would I even bother trying to adopt a smaller dog if I wasn't confident that my dogs would handle it???
I still feel like calling back and giving them a piece of my mind, and adding that they should be equally as discriminating when adopting him out since though he looks like a lamb, he's still a terrier and they used to fight his breed, just like my dreaded bloodthirsty pit bull.

Somehow my family (and my cat) have survived so far with these vicious dogs in the house. Hopefully we'll make it through the night! You never know...Israel might go for my jugular tonight as I sleep. Or Judah might start to eat my leg while she's at the end of the bed. I should really watch my back. ::rolls eyes::

We all know how much I love my dogs. I don't make excuses for them because I really never have to as far as their behaviour (sometimes Israel is the exception) but Judah honestly is that well-behaved and stable. I have said time and again that I would trust her alone with my newborn. She was left alone with a 1 pound chihuahua puppy and Judah was more afraid than the puppy. Even Israel got on so well with the chi, stretched out on his belly, wagging his tail as she bit his nose. The only reason I wouldn't leave them alone together is because he could easily crush her if he stepped on her--and Israel has no concept of his size or strength yet.

I guess it's for the better. I'm closing on my house on Friday, I'll be moving in soon enough, and I want to adopt a greyhound. I emailed the organization I've been looking at to ask if they have a policy against adopting out to households with certain breeds. It never really occurred to me...
I guess I was being naive.

Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
animal pound
Image by cliff1066™
Waterbucks are large, stately, easily recognized antelope with straight backs and coarse, shaggy coats. Their coats are gray to grayish-brown, and their legs are darker in color. The animals have conspicuous semi-circular white patches of color on their rumps. Their long-stranded hair seems to be waterproofed by skin glands as an adaptation to their frequent and lengthy stays in the water. It is generously covered with thin brownish, tar-like grease that has a distinct, turpentine-like odor. Males have sharply pointed horns that are prominently ringed and strongly curved backwards and upwards. Females do not have horns. The sexes are equal in size and can weigh 600 pounds and stand 39 inches at the shoulder.

Easter Bunny
animal pound
Image by Scott Kinmartin
Happy Easter everyone!!!
(Easter Bunnies pray too!)

NOTE: With Easter arriving, many families decide to give the gift of a bunny in the spirit of the season. Rabbits make wonderful animal companions in the home. But contrary to common belief, they are not “low maintenance” pets.

Also I don't condone it, buying rabbits on (or near) Easter simply for the holiday causes negligence. Please be sure that you and/or your child is ready to take on the responsibility of a bunny. Often times they get over 15 pounds and live as long as 10 years.
