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20110925 - cats vs. frog - IMG_3648 - Oranjello blocking the frog
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Where do you think you're going?
Lemonjello the cat, Oranjello the cat, Oscar the frog.
You Shall Not Pass. captioned.
bathroom, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.
September 25, 2011.
... Read my blog at
... Read Carolyn's blog at
BACKSTORY: After the Descendents concert, we were hanging out in the parking lot waiting for it to clear out a bit before heading to the next venue for the ALL concert. Some poor girl asked us if we had jumper cables, and of course we did. She was very grateful and said, "You are like the 50th person we asked!" (What's with people not carrying jumper cables anymore? You sad, unprepared fucks!)
Anyway, while Clint was helping them, he found a frog in the parking lot. Ok, actually a toad, but still. ALL has a song called Frog, and they talk about catching a frog, and the difficulties of trying to sell it. And now we had a frog! What are the odds. Clint tried to sell the frog, but nobody wanted to buy it, as predicted by the song. The frog in the song is named Oscar, so naturally, this frog's name is now Oscar.
Oscar had an eventful evening that night. He went from the parking lot at the Festival Pier in Philadelphia to a parking garage at the next venue, spent a night in New Jersey, came back to Virginia, met our kitties, and now lives in our back yard where he has a lot of space and a creek... And no parking lots or boats mosh pits.
Bonneted Bat
Image by MyFWCmedia
Photo credit - Kathleen Smith, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
The snowy plover, American oystercatcher, black skimmer and least tern lay their eggs and hatch their young on Florida beaches, spoil islands and rooftops. Loss and degradation of habitat are major threats to the shorebirds’ survival, with their colonies and nesting areas becoming fewer and more fragmented. Because of their declining numbers in Florida and habitat loss, these beach-nesting birds qualify for listing as state-threatened species.
The just-released draft action plan for imperiled beach-nesting birds is among the second group of draft species action plans covering 60 species that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is unveiling in 2013.
The alligator snapping turtle, Florida bonneted bat, white-crowned pigeon and Florida tree snail also have newly drafted species action plans. The public is invited to review and comment on the plans at now through April 23, 2013.
Earlier this year, the FWC released the first group of draft species action plans that included 23 species. The agency will roll out the remaining plans later this spring and summer. For a full list of species and to review all of the draft species action plans, visit our website at and select Imperiled Species.
The draft action plan for imperiled beach-nesting birds spells out steps to conserve these four species with the ultimate goal that they no longer will be listed as threatened.
“The dynamic nature of Florida beaches, from natural changes caused by storms and erosion to the presence of beachgoers and the loss of habitat, poses significant challenges to the survival of beach-nesting birds,” said Claire Sunquist Blunden, the FWC’s stakeholder coordinator for imperiled species management planning.
The FWC’s draft plan outlines commonly shared conservation measures that will benefit the snowy plovers, American oystercatchers, black skimmers and least terns throughout our state. Successful conservation of beach-nesting birds will require action not only by the FWC but also the cooperation of the many different groups which use, own and care about Florida’s coastal resources. They include local, state and federal government agencies, the public, private property owners, non-governmental organizations, businesses and researchers.
People enjoying Florida beaches during spring break need to be aware they should keep their distance from beach-nesting birds. For more tips, go to and select “Share the Beach with Beach-nesting Birds .”
The draft species action plans are a vital component of Florida’s new conservation model, which first involved preparing Biological Status Reviews for 60 imperiled species and now requires developing plans to conserve each of them. Once the 49 plans covering 60 species are revised based on public input, FWC teams will look for common themes and actions to develop Integrated Conservation Strategies.
“We hope the public and stakeholders will comment on the draft species action plans and share their ideas on common themes or actions among plans,” said Claire Sunquist Blunden.
Finally, an Imperiled Species Management Plan will be developed that ties together the action plans covering 60 species, addressing the commonalities of what’s necessary to conserve all the wildlife represented in the plan.
For more information and to see the species action plans, go to