
Cool All About Animals images

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Check out these all about animals images:

Mack's calming collar
all about animals
Image by Kerri Lee Smith
Feliway (a cat pheromone) works wonders with my cats. I have plug-ins all over and when they're full, Jimmy always uses his litter box; when I'm lazy about refilling them, Jimmy has been known to have "accidents". Since having me go away is stressful to my kitties, I decided to try some extra calming protection. I've heard of the calming collars but since Jimmy is allergic to many things and is always just on the brink of breaking out with welts and rashes (EGC for cat people) when exposed to something new, Mack is the lucky one who gets to test the collar. The collar is having a pleasantly unexpected effect. Mack, who is normally a little sensitive/high strung is calm, affectionate, less desperate to get either outside or into the one room he' s not allowed to. Who knew.

The pictures were all taken yesterday.

20110806 - yard sale booty - Oranjello's inspection thereof - IMG_3428
all about animals
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Oranjello always inspects all of our yard sale booty when we bring it in. He often climbs up on it (if there are large piles) to inspect specific items, sometimes knocking shit over.

Here he is "inspecting" this strange cardboard box, which came from a church.

Oranjello the cat, box, jar.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

August 6, 2011.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

... Read my yard sale-related blogposts at clintjcl.wordpress.com/category/yard-sales/

BACKSTORY: Full recount of our yard sale expedition at clintjcl.wordpress.com/2011/09/24/journal-yard-sales-2011... ... In summary, we drove 35mi over 3.25hrs, spending .71 on 28 purchases valued at about 9.45.

all about animals
Image by OCD is the life 4 me
His tail looks bad, it's not fluffy at all. wonder if he is sick?
He was standing on the side of the road near the train tracks, he stood there and let us snap off about 7 pics before he ran away.
