
20120516 - Oranjello begging for catnip - MVI_4168 (1m17s) (640x480)

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Check out these animals video images:

20120516 - Oranjello begging for catnip - MVI_4168 (1m17s) (640x480)
animals video
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Oranjello wants the catnip... Please.. If that's OK with you.

But then he realizes he has the chance to ruin the video, and suddenly regains his dignity, refusing to beg for catnip FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.

Cats have a way of making liars out of you, especially when a camera is involved.

begging, meowing, purring, walking.
Oranjello the cat, catnip.

upstairs, Clint and Carolyn's house, Alexandria, Virginia.

May 16, 2012.

... Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
... Read Carolyn's blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com

Mrs. Hamster n Mr. Man
animals video
Image by Ninithedreamer
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAzzvkvxVHo

Mrs. Hamster n Mr. Man
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Image by Ninithedreamer
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAzzvkvxVHo
