
Cool Animal Behavior images

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Some cool animal behavior images:

introducing pinky pie
animal behavior
Image by beccaplusmolly
for sustained star behaviour molly was allowed to choose something special at our local toy shop. so this is her new pal pinky pie. she talks, sings and makes sucky noises like maggie simpson.

Gemvid setup
animal behavior
Image by jepoirrier
This is the setup we used to record whole body movement of animals (rats in our case) with the Gemvid system: www.jcircadianrhythms.com/content/4/1/10

Summer telling Freedom a secret
animal behavior
Image by Marji Beach
Summer and Freedom share a secret. Sorta. Summer (right) is obsessed with Freedom's ear and nursing off of it. It's both adorable and sad. Both calves were taken from their mom's they day they were born and never got to nurse off their own mother. So they develop some odd, compulsive behaviors like inappropriate nursing.
