
Nice Names For Animals photos

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A few nice names for animals images I found:

Either Assembly or Waterlettuce Moth
names for animals
Image by E_Journeys
I'm still trying to ID this one; it was on our back porch-facing wall this afternoon, not far from a Crab Spider. Wing span is less than an inch.

Postscript: The jury is still out as to whether this one is Samea ecclesialis (Assembly Moth) or Samea multiplicalis (Waterlettuce Moth, a.k.a. Salvinia Stem Borer). I've Googled both along with "Florida" and found results for both, though more for multiplicalis.

The debate continues on www.bugguide.net. On the one hand, Bob Patterson's Entomology Page identifies this as multiplicalis. On the other hand, the multiplicalis shown on www.invasive.org/eastern/biocontrol/5Waterlettuce.html shows a moth with a broader head. Photographer Leroy Simon at Visuals Unlimited calls this an ecclesialis.

Thanks to Tom Murray at Bugguide.Net for giving me a name (Samea ecclesialis) and pointing me to the Moth Photographers Group website -- which started me on this ID quest! Until I find a definitive answer I'm tagging this one as both species....
