

Large Rectangle

Check out these animals images:

Image by ucumari
Axl is a two year old male Siberian mix tiger. He weighs 500lbs and is expected to get to 700lbs when fully grown.The Natural Science Center in Greensboro has opened a new, small, but very nice zoo. The animals seem to have large exhibits built with them in mind

Caméléon en plein repas
Image by tbruyelle
Réserve naturelle d'Anjiro, Madagascar

Pour la petite histoire, le guide a tendu un grillon fixé au bout d'un bâton à environ 20cm devant le caméléon. On voit alors les yeux du caméléon se fixer sur l'insecte, juste avant que sa longue langue vienne happer la petite bête.
Slurps ! (Non en fait ça ne fait pas de bruit...)

Cette langue protractile, composée de muscles propulseurs et retracteurs, est dotée d'une extrémité enduite d'un mucus gluant, qui permet de coller à ses proies. Selon les espèces la langue peut atteindre la longueur du corps de l'animal, et être projetée à plus de 20 km/h avec une grande précision.

An Everest Evening
Image by Brett Kiger
Staying in Animal Kingdom for today...

I forget if we heard the news that AK would no longer be open after dark before we left for the trip or while we were at WDW, but we were disappointed to hear the news. We have never experienced this park at night, and this shot is as close as we've come.

To get the shot, we lingered around the Tree of Life paths past park closing and just when when we thought we might be pushing our luck a little we headed over to the bridge to Harmbe. I knew the image I had in mind, so I quickly changed changed lenses and set up my tripod. This was out last night of the trip, so this was the only chance. Unfortunately, I was only able to get one series of brackets before our escorts arrived.

Fortunately, I was able to get the shot, but it would have been nice to stay a bit longer to see more of the park at night.

Walt Disney World | Animal Kingdom | Expedition Everest
