
Cool Names For Animals images

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Some cool names for animals images:

Boo the feral cat in a humane trap after TNR, relaxing from the front
names for animals
Image by vansassa
Boo is recovering in her humane trap after being spayed at PAWS Chicago. Boo turned out to be a pregnant female, which was so surprising to me as I rarely trap females from my yard, and she is so tiny. I named her Boo after seeing her for the first time the previous week looking out at me from inside my open basement door. I was outside gardening with the door open for hours. At some point she came into my house without me seeing her. When I did see her in the doorway, she bolted, and I did not see her again until I trapped her a week later late at night.

Fancy Feast
names for animals
Image by The Toad
This hamster got the nick-name Fancy Feast because we have 3 cats in the house. He has survived for 2 years!

Picture taken with Sigma 24mm 1.8 macro lens on Olympus E500 camera body.
