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Image by Hamed Saber
به مناسبت هشتمين سالمرگ هجدهم تيرماه، صفحه ننگين گاهشمار خورشيدي

«دست آن شيخ ببوسيد كه تكفيرم كرد
محتسب را بنوازيد كه زنجيرم كرد»

تا كه شايد به خود آيند و به دار آويزند
من ِ ياغي ِ محارب، كه زمين سيرم كرد

جلوه از طره نازش به اسيري ديدم
واي از آن دام فريبنده كه نخجيرم كرد

خرّم آن دوست كه اين آيت تقدير مرا
وصل ياران و شهادت همه تعبيرم كرد

تا همه عشوه يار است به جان مي خرمش
نازم آن مردك «انصار» كه تعزيرم كرد

تا كنون جاهل و بي مايه و كودن بودم
بستر واقعه ات بود كه تفسيرم كرد

ما همه يكدل از اين «كوي» به كويت بپريم
فخرم اين شعر كه چون بارقه تكثيرم كرد

حامد صابر 1378/4/25
"Kiss the hand of the mullah who excommunicated me
Caress the cop who put me in chains"

Maybe they will realize and hang me
The rebellious fighter who is surfeited with this vile world

Your enslaving locks allured me
Oh the luscious trap that preyed on me

Cheers to that friend of mine who interpreted all these
Indications of my destiny, as reaching my beloved and martyrdom

Since these are all your loving signs
I praise the Ansar ¹ lad who chastised me

Up until now I was ignorant, dull and stupid
It was your bed-of-events that explained it all to me

Whole-heartedly we shall fly from this alley ² to your alley
Proud am I of this poem that reiterated me as sun light rays

By Hamed Saber - 16 July 1999
Today is 18 -e Tir (July 9), the 8th anniversary of "Kuye Daneshgah Disaster".

"Kuy" means Alley, and "Daneshgah" means university. "Kuye Daneshgah" is the name of dormitory complex of the biggest university of Iran - University of Tehran.

I was a second year student of Sharif University of Technology in 1999, the year the disaster occurred.
Let me not write about my own situation in that day...

دوستان فارسي زبان، اين پست وبلاگ آقاي ابطحي رو اگر نخونديد بخونيد
Iranian Student Protests of July, 1999 (Also known as 18th of Tir and Kuye Daneshgah Disaster (Persian: فاجعه کوی دانشگاه ) in Iran) (9 July) were the most widespread and violent public protests in Iran, since the early years of the Iranian Revolution.
The protests began on the eve of July 9, 1999 (18th Tir of year 1378 in the Persian calendar), after a peaceful demonstration by a group of students of Tehran University against the closure of the reformist newspaper, Salaam, by the press court.
The protests spread to the student dormitories of Tehran University during the night and were brutally suppressed by the plain clothes Ansar-e-Hezbollah Militant groups. The police force, which is also controlled by the hardliner faction of the Iranian political establishment, began to intervene in support of the militant groups after a few hours. The armed forces, (including the police force) are not controlled by the President in Iran (See Politics of Iran). Hardliners and the police chased the students to the dormitories,
inflicting heavy damage on the buildings and brutally attacking the demonstrators. Street riots followed for almost a week, leading to several arrests and injuries, and at least one confirmed fatal shooting, namely that of Ezzat Ebrahim Nejad. The death of Ebrahim Nejad was the only one acknowledged by the state-controlled Iranian television, however, major student groups and the foreign media have claimed more than 17 dead during the week of violent protests. Major Iranian cities such as Tabriz, Mashhad, Shiraz and Esfahan were scenes of violent and widespread demonstrations as well.
The protests continued at Tabriz University on July 11, 1999 (20th of Tir) and police and hardliners responded similarly in Tabriz universities and schools. They entered the universities and brutally attacked students; at least 2 students were killed and many were badly injured or arrested.
After the incident, the 18th of Tir protests have become a symbol of violent struggle against the clerical establishment of Iran.
As of 31 July 2006, several students involved in the demonstration were still in jail.
Adopted and edited from WikiPedia

Also you can read this from BBC
And about translating the poem to English:
I should thank Fatemeh for the base translation and all her reviews,
I should thank Dan, Garry and Nima for their complete review and edits,
I should thank Sepideh, Atry, Farnoosh and Zohreh for their helpful suggestions and opinions,
And at last I should again thank that "Ansar" lad who wildly kicked my head with his bludgeon, and made me write this poem ;)
Poem footnotes:
1) Ansar here refers to Ansar-e Hezbollah. For more info check WikiPedia and GlobalSecurity.
2) The first alley here refers to "Kuye Daneshgah". Kuy literally means Alley, but the second alley in poem means heavens.

Added to Flickr Explore (interestingness) page of 9 July 2007.

Horsing Around
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Horsing Around
Wild Horses
Cold Creek, Nevada

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backyard bunny
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(on white) bunny came for a visit last night!
