
Mr. Potato Head Going Mad with Wild Animals

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A few nice wild animals images I found:

Mr. Potato Head Going Mad with Wild Animals
wild animals
Image by skippyjon
Wild Anamalz are hunted by the mad Mr. Potato head!

This is for the Toys & bokeh weekly challenge.
My first for the 24/7 Bokeh Life group.

I liked the theme and I had all that I needed to make such shot handy. The wooden animals are Anamalz toys, the mad hunter is a custom, three-handed Mr. Potato head, the tree is a Thyme branch. Finally, the grass and bushes are from a green sweater with puffy sleeves and collar and the blue sky is a blue children mat held vertically.

Ahhh, and the little thingy you see right between the thyme branch and the elephant is tape! Damn, I just saw that and I don't feel like photoshopping it out. Well...maybe later :)

wild life in NYC
wild animals
Image by Milton CJ
anonymous pug – Lex. ave, NYC
