
Nice Animal Health photos

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Some cool animal health images:

Flowers and leaves of False Ragweed, Whitetop Weed,Parthenium hyeterophorus...Lá và hoa của cây Cúc Liên Chi dại ....
animal health
Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Chụp hình tai Hewitt, Texas .
Taken in Hewitt, Texas.

Vietnamese named : Cúc Liên Chi dại
Common names : False Ragweed, Santa Maria Feverfew , Whitetop Weed.
Scientist : Parthenium hysterophorus L.
Synonyms : Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip.; Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.; Matricaria parthenium L, M. parthenoides Hort., M. carpensis Hort., M. eximia Hort., M. odorata Lam; Pyrethrum parthenium Smith]
Family : Asteraceae. Họ Cúc
Scientific classification
Species:P. hysterophorus

**** www.lrc-hueuni.edu.vn/dongy/show_target.plx?url=/thuocdon...

Cúc liên chi dại

Cúc liên chi dại - Parthenium hysterophorus L., thuộc họ Cúc - Asteraceae.

Mô tả: Cây thảo phân nhánh cao 0,25 đến 1m; thân có rãnh gần như nhẵn. Lá xẻ hai lần lông chim, dài tới 11cm và rộng tới 6cm, các lá trên nguyên, mặt trên có lông bột, mặt dưới có lông xám. Đầu hoa có 5 góc, đường kính 4-8mm, xếp thành chuỳ thưa ở ngọn cây; lưỡi hoa màu trắng, hình thận, nhỏ; hoa nhỏ màu trắng. Quả bế hình trứng ngược rộng, dài cỡ 2mm, có lông ở đỉnh.

Cây có hoa quả kéo dài từ tháng 10 đến tháng 6 năm sau.

Bộ phận dùng: Thân mang lá và lá - Caulis et Folium Parthenii.

Nơi sống và thu hái: Gốc ở châu Mỹ nhiệt đới, được phát tán vào nhiều xứ nhiệt đới khác. Ở nước ta, thường gặp cây mọc dại ở nhiều nơi, nhất là ở Hà Nội và các vùng lân cận dọc theo các đường đi, các bãi cát.

Thành phần hoá học: Cây chứa alcaloid parthenin. Lá và hoa chứa alcaloid parthenicin.

Tính vị, tác dụng: Vị đắng, có tác dụng gây chảy nước bọt, làm giảm đau nhức, làm săn da.

Công dụng, chỉ định và phối hợp: Ở nước ta, cây ít được dùng, nhưng ở một số nước Trung Mỹ như Jamaica, Đôminica, người ta sử dụng lá, đem giã ra và trộn với dầu thầu dầu để xát kích thích sự giảm bớt sản dịch. Thân mang lá hãm hoặc sắc uống để trị chứng tim đập nhanh. Còn được dùng chữa các vết loét, một số bệnh ngoài da, như bệnh ecpet (mụn rộp loang vòng). Các chiết xuất parthenin được dùng với liều nhỏ tăng dần từ 100mg đến 2g để giúp sự tiêu hoá; còn parthenicin, với liều 1g ngày, dùng để làm thuốc hạ nhiệt, giảm đau; với liều cao nó gây độc.


**** plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=PAHY
**** en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenium_hysterophorus
**** www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2792614/
**** www.academicjournals.org/ajpp/PDF/pdf2011/15%20November/K...

Nutritional investigation and biological activities of
Parthenium hysterophorus
Rahmat Ali Khan
*, Mushtaq Ahmed
, Muhammad Rashid Khan
, Muhammad Yasir
, Bakhtiar
and Rashid Khan
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Science and Technology Bannu KPK,
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.
Department of Chemistry, Hazara University, Mahsehra, Pakistan.
Accepted 30 September, 2011
Parthenium hysterophorus is used as a vegetable and in the treatment of various human ailments
traditionally in Pakistan. The current study was arranged to investigate the nutritional importance,
microbial inhibition and its potency against free radicals. The results revealed that extract possesses
macro elements Ca, K, Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, as well as micro elements including Ni, Li, Pb, Co, Mn, Cu, Cr,
and Cd. Scavenging of free radicals revealed that methanolic extract of P. hysterophorus (PM)
possesses lowest IC50 (2.5 ± 0.05 µg/ml) comparatively to ascorbic acid (3.7 ± 0.03) and n-hexane
extract of P. hysterophorus (PH) (5.1 ± 0.07 µg/ml). The extracts also showed maximum antibacterial
potential in various concentrations of n-hexane and methanolic extract of P. hysterophorus. The results
revealed that P. hysterophorus contain a remarkable fungal inhibition due to the presence of bioactive
constituents. Based on this screening various fractions of P. hysterophorus are recommended for
future bioassay guided isolation of bioactive constituents.

**** www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/cropfactsheets/parthenium.html

Parthenium hysterophorus L. [syn. Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip.; Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.; Matricaria parthenium L, M. parthenoides Hort., M. carpensis Hort., M. eximia Hort., M. odorata Lam; Pyrethrum parthenium Smith] Compositae, is known as congress weed, carrot weed, star weed, feverfew, white top, chatak chandani, bitter weed, ramphool, garghas. It is believed to have entered India accidentally in the mid 1950s, and is now considered is one of the most feared noxious weed species (Rao 1956). Adverse effects of on humans and on animal health have been well documented. It is known to cause asthma, bronchits, dermatitis, and hay fever in man and livestock. The chemical analysis has indicated that all the plants parts including trichomes and pollen contain toxins called sesquiterpene lactones. The major components of toxic being parthenin and other phenolic acids such as caffeic acid, vanillic acid, ansic acid, p-anisic acid, chlorogenic acid, and parahydroxy benzoic acid are lethal to human beings and animals (Mahadevappa 1997; Oudhia 1998). Despite the fact that Parthenium is considered a toxic plant industrial uses are reported in the literatures (Sastri and Kavathekar 1990). A related species, Parthenium argentatum Gray (guayule) yields rubber which can substitute for Hevea rubber.

The word parthenium is derived from the Latin parthenice suggesting medicinal uses (Bailey 1960). John Lindley (1838) in Flora Medica describes the plant as follows: "The whole plant is bitter and strong-scented, reckoned tonic, stimulating and anti-hysteric. It was once a popular remedy in ague. Its odour is said to be peculiarly disagree to bees and that insects may be easily kept at a distance by carrying a handful of the flower heads." In Homoeopathy system, allergies caused by Parthenium can be treated by a drug prepared from Parthenium. In Finland an infusion of Partenium is used in for consumption.

In the Dictionary of Economic Plants in India Parthenium hysterophourus is described as a weed found in Poona and is reported to be used as tonic, febrifuge, and emmenagogue. Root decoction is useful in dysentery (Singh et al. 1996). Mew et al. (1982) demonstrated that sublethal doses of parthenin exhibited antitumor activity in mice and that the drug could either cure mice completely or increase their survival time after they had been injected with cancer cells. Parthenium is also reported as promising remedy against hepatic amoebiasis (Sharma and Bhutani,1988). South American Indian uses a decoction of roots to cure amoebic dysentery (Uphof 1959) whereas parthenin, a toxin of Parthenium, is found pharmacologically active against neuralgia and certain types of rheumatism). In Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants by Rastogi and Mehrotra (1991) parthenin induced dose-dependent damage to human leucocyte chromosomes in vitro and micronuclei formation in polychromatic erythrocytes of mice is reported (Dominguez and Sierra, 1970).

Parthenium is used as folk remedy in the Caribbean and Central America (Nabie et al. 1996). It is applied externally on skin disorders and decoction of the plant is often taken internally as a remedy for a wide variety of ailments (Dominguez and Sierra 1970; Morton 1981). In Jamaica the decoction is used as a flea-repellent both for dogs and other animals (Morton 1981).

Waiting for health checks
animal health
Image by Marji Beach
She is one of 4,460 hens Animal Place rescued from an egg farm that was starving 50,000 hens. Of the 4,460 hens rescued, more than 4,000 went to Animal Place while Harvest Home, Farm Sanctuary and the Marin Humane Society took some.


A bunch of Parthenium hyeterophorus ....Một bụi Cúc Liên Chi dại ....
animal health
Image by Vietnam Plants & The USA. plants
Chụp hình tai Hewitt, Texas .
Taken in Hewitt, Texas.

Vietnamese named : Cúc Liên Chi dại
Common names : False Ragweed, Santa Maria Feverfew , Whitetop Weed.
Scientist : Parthenium hyeterophorus L.
Synonyms : Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip.; Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.; Matricaria parthenium L, M. parthenoides Hort., M. carpensis Hort., M. eximia Hort., M. odorata Lam; Pyrethrum parthenium Smith]
Family : Asteraceae. Họ Cúc
Scientific classification
Species:P. hysterophorus

**** www.lrc-hueuni.edu.vn/dongy/show_target.plx?url=/thuocdon...

Cúc liên chi dại

Cúc liên chi dại - Parthenium hysterophorus L., thuộc họ Cúc - Asteraceae.

Mô tả: Cây thảo phân nhánh cao 0,25 đến 1m; thân có rãnh gần như nhẵn. Lá xẻ hai lần lông chim, dài tới 11cm và rộng tới 6cm, các lá trên nguyên, mặt trên có lông bột, mặt dưới có lông xám. Đầu hoa có 5 góc, đường kính 4-8mm, xếp thành chuỳ thưa ở ngọn cây; lưỡi hoa màu trắng, hình thận, nhỏ; hoa nhỏ màu trắng. Quả bế hình trứng ngược rộng, dài cỡ 2mm, có lông ở đỉnh.

Cây có hoa quả kéo dài từ tháng 10 đến tháng 6 năm sau.

Bộ phận dùng: Thân mang lá và lá - Caulis et Folium Parthenii.

Nơi sống và thu hái: Gốc ở châu Mỹ nhiệt đới, được phát tán vào nhiều xứ nhiệt đới khác. Ở nước ta, thường gặp cây mọc dại ở nhiều nơi, nhất là ở Hà Nội và các vùng lân cận dọc theo các đường đi, các bãi cát.

Thành phần hoá học: Cây chứa alcaloid parthenin. Lá và hoa chứa alcaloid parthenicin.

Tính vị, tác dụng: Vị đắng, có tác dụng gây chảy nước bọt, làm giảm đau nhức, làm săn da.

Công dụng, chỉ định và phối hợp: Ở nước ta, cây ít được dùng, nhưng ở một số nước Trung Mỹ như Jamaica, Đôminica, người ta sử dụng lá, đem giã ra và trộn với dầu thầu dầu để xát kích thích sự giảm bớt sản dịch. Thân mang lá hãm hoặc sắc uống để trị chứng tim đập nhanh. Còn được dùng chữa các vết loét, một số bệnh ngoài da, như bệnh ecpet (mụn rộp loang vòng). Các chiết xuất parthenin được dùng với liều nhỏ tăng dần từ 100mg đến 2g để giúp sự tiêu hoá; còn parthenicin, với liều 1g ngày, dùng để làm thuốc hạ nhiệt, giảm đau; với liều cao nó gây độc.


**** plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=PAHY
**** en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenium_hysterophorus
**** www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2792614/
**** www.academicjournals.org/ajpp/PDF/pdf2011/15%20November/K...

Nutritional investigation and biological activities of
Parthenium hysterophorus
Rahmat Ali Khan
*, Mushtaq Ahmed
, Muhammad Rashid Khan
, Muhammad Yasir
, Bakhtiar
and Rashid Khan
Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Science and Technology Bannu KPK,
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan.
Department of Chemistry, Hazara University, Mahsehra, Pakistan.
Accepted 30 September, 2011
Parthenium hysterophorus is used as a vegetable and in the treatment of various human ailments
traditionally in Pakistan. The current study was arranged to investigate the nutritional importance,
microbial inhibition and its potency against free radicals. The results revealed that extract possesses
macro elements Ca, K, Na, Mg, Fe, Zn, as well as micro elements including Ni, Li, Pb, Co, Mn, Cu, Cr,
and Cd. Scavenging of free radicals revealed that methanolic extract of P. hysterophorus (PM)
possesses lowest IC50 (2.5 ± 0.05 µg/ml) comparatively to ascorbic acid (3.7 ± 0.03) and n-hexane
extract of P. hysterophorus (PH) (5.1 ± 0.07 µg/ml). The extracts also showed maximum antibacterial
potential in various concentrations of n-hexane and methanolic extract of P. hysterophorus. The results
revealed that P. hysterophorus contain a remarkable fungal inhibition due to the presence of bioactive
constituents. Based on this screening various fractions of P. hysterophorus are recommended for
future bioassay guided isolation of bioactive constituents.

**** www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/cropfactsheets/parthenium.html

Parthenium hysterophorus L. [syn. Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch. Bip.; Chrysanthemum parthenium (L.) Bernh.; Matricaria parthenium L, M. parthenoides Hort., M. carpensis Hort., M. eximia Hort., M. odorata Lam; Pyrethrum parthenium Smith] Compositae, is known as congress weed, carrot weed, star weed, feverfew, white top, chatak chandani, bitter weed, ramphool, garghas. It is believed to have entered India accidentally in the mid 1950s, and is now considered is one of the most feared noxious weed species (Rao 1956). Adverse effects of on humans and on animal health have been well documented. It is known to cause asthma, bronchits, dermatitis, and hay fever in man and livestock. The chemical analysis has indicated that all the plants parts including trichomes and pollen contain toxins called sesquiterpene lactones. The major components of toxic being parthenin and other phenolic acids such as caffeic acid, vanillic acid, ansic acid, p-anisic acid, chlorogenic acid, and parahydroxy benzoic acid are lethal to human beings and animals (Mahadevappa 1997; Oudhia 1998). Despite the fact that Parthenium is considered a toxic plant industrial uses are reported in the literatures (Sastri and Kavathekar 1990). A related species, Parthenium argentatum Gray (guayule) yields rubber which can substitute for Hevea rubber.

The word parthenium is derived from the Latin parthenice suggesting medicinal uses (Bailey 1960). John Lindley (1838) in Flora Medica describes the plant as follows: "The whole plant is bitter and strong-scented, reckoned tonic, stimulating and anti-hysteric. It was once a popular remedy in ague. Its odour is said to be peculiarly disagree to bees and that insects may be easily kept at a distance by carrying a handful of the flower heads." In Homoeopathy system, allergies caused by Parthenium can be treated by a drug prepared from Parthenium. In Finland an infusion of Partenium is used in for consumption.

In the Dictionary of Economic Plants in India Parthenium hysterophourus is described as a weed found in Poona and is reported to be used as tonic, febrifuge, and emmenagogue. Root decoction is useful in dysentery (Singh et al. 1996). Mew et al. (1982) demonstrated that sublethal doses of parthenin exhibited antitumor activity in mice and that the drug could either cure mice completely or increase their survival time after they had been injected with cancer cells. Parthenium is also reported as promising remedy against hepatic amoebiasis (Sharma and Bhutani,1988). South American Indian uses a decoction of roots to cure amoebic dysentery (Uphof 1959) whereas parthenin, a toxin of Parthenium, is found pharmacologically active against neuralgia and certain types of rheumatism). In Compendium of Indian Medicinal Plants by Rastogi and Mehrotra (1991) parthenin induced dose-dependent damage to human leucocyte chromosomes in vitro and micronuclei formation in polychromatic erythrocytes of mice is reported (Dominguez and Sierra, 1970).

Parthenium is used as folk remedy in the Caribbean and Central America (Nabie et al. 1996). It is applied externally on skin disorders and decoction of the plant is often taken internally as a remedy for a wide variety of ailments (Dominguez and Sierra 1970; Morton 1981). In Jamaica the decoction is used as a flea-repellent both for dogs and other animals (Morton 1981).
